General Election 2024

We encourage all eligible members to vote in the general election on 4 July; it is your democratic right to participate. Make sure your voice is heard.

With the next general election taking place on 4 July, there are only a few weeks left to ensure you can make your voice heard. In order to take part in a general election, citizens must first ensure that they are registered to vote. You must also have valid ID which is now required at polling stations. Other key dates include registering for both postal and proxy votes. A list of key dates/links are listed below:

Register to vote - deadline 11:59pm, 18 June

Apply for postal vote - deadline 5pm, 19 June  

Apply for free voter ID - deadline 5pm, 26 June

Apply for a proxy vote -  deadline 5pm, 26 June

Polling Day - 4 July Find your nearest polling station

All candidates for the election have now been confirmed. Find out who your local candidates are.

The PCS Charter

The PCS Charter for the general election sets out PCS's nine demands for a new government following the general election. Read the Charter in full.

In the period leading up to a general election there is increased scrutiny of the civil service and individual civil servants. It’s important that you understand your roles and responsibilities during this time. Read our article to find out more about what you can do as a civil servant.

Ask your candidates to support the Four Day Week Campaign using the template letter.

Read our article on challenging the rhetoric on civil service pay, responding to the arguments used by politicians to justify low pay in the civil service.