Together as PCS members and reps working across the UK civil service and related areas we can make great improvements at work.
Want to help? Get involved in our campaigns in your workplace and in your community. Whether it's fighting for better pay, against job losses or on specific issues such as redundancy pay and pensions, we have your best interests at heart.
Read more in this section on our national campaign on pay, pensions, redundancy terms and job security and also find out about our campaigns on fighting racism, the environment, international issues, and our work in parliament.
Our strike fund makes it possible to support members financially when they are striking and therefore not being paid by their employer. The fund can make it possible to win workplace campaigns.
Members already contribute 50p a month to the fund through their PCS union subscription but can make one-off or regular additional donations as they wish.
How to make additional donations
The simplest and best way to donate is to pay directly into our strike fund, either as a one-off payment or through a standing order.
The bank details are:
- Account name: Fighting Fund Levy
- Account number: 20331490
- Sort code: 60-83-01
Anyone choosing to pay via standing order should quote either their PCS membership number or National Insurance number.


General Election 2024


PCS in parliament

Fighting racism and fascism

Redundancy rights

International solidarity

Green workplaces