Our cost of living calculator

Thanks to this government PCS members' standards of living have plummeted.

We made historic gains last year thanks to the strike action taken by PCS members but we were clear that we wouldn’t hesitate to ballot members again if the government was still letting you down. Our calculator illustrates this and that's why we're asking for more this year and balloting members. Read more information about the ballot.

Use our calculator to find out how much you’re missing out on each year. 

In the sections below, input how much each item has gone up for you every month. If you’re not sure, we've used average UK figures and you just need to add in your salary as at April 2023 (before the last pay rise).

You can easily share your results on social media to show how much you’ve been let down. Please also tell us about your financial hardships and what it would mean if you got back the money you have lost. Email editor@pcs.org.uk

Monthly increases

(Average UK figures used. Please enter your own values if known)


(2% is UK average)